(kemarau berkepanjangan)
The dry season is a season in the tropics affected by the monsoon system. To be called the dry season, rainfall per month must be below 60 mm per month (or 20 mm per dasarian) for three consecutive days. The tropical regions of Southeast Asia and South Asia, northeastern Australia, Africa and parts of South America experience this season. The long dry season is a very hot dry season with a long period of time.
The cause of the dry season is the east monsoon, which is the wind that blows from the Australian continent which has high pressure that blows towards the Asian continent that has low pressure including Indonesia. Another cause of drought is el-nino. This weather anomaly occurs due to temperature changes that occur in the Pacific Ocean region. The temperature in the Pacific Ocean turned warm, causing a storm in the American region and in the Southeast Asian region experiencing a dry season.
This long drought has a bad impact on areas that experience such a clean water crisis, extremely hot temperatures cause fire susceptibility, health problems occur, and crop failure occurs for farmers.
From all the facts available, we can conclude that this long drought has very many negative impacts. So that we as humans must be able to manage, use it, and cope as well as possible, because the average negative impact is triggered by human behavior, which is less concerned about the environment and at will.
Con contoh teks explanation yang bagus, tapi saran aja untuk menambahkan terjemahan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia :) thx